Pelantikan Wakil Veteran / Contact Person Rejimen Renjer Diraja (RRD)

Sumber: Facebook Rejimen Renjer Diraja KUALA LUMPUR: 4 Jan 2024. Rejimen Renjer Diraja (RRD) telah melantik Brig Jen Kamaralzaman bin Hj Aziz (B) sebagai contact person bagi mewakili semua veteran RRD. Pelantikan contact person tersebut bagi memenuhi piagam Jawatan Kuasa Pengurusan RRD (JKP RRD) yang menetapkan contact person adalah juga…

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Black Hackle Club Social Media Channel

We are proud to announce the creation of our social media channels on YouTube and Facebook. Both of these platforms require ongoing maintenance, particularly in terms of content. We sincerely invite our members to actively contribute as content creators, moderators, editors, authors and more. Your support in subscribing to our…

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