a. Black Hackle Emblem Design – The history of the Regiment Rangers has been deeply entrenched with the Sarawak Rangers. Much of our subsequent traditions and military culture were derived from them and continue to be practiced to reflect, uphold, and preserve these historical perspectives. The institutional strength of the Rangers lies in its diversity, the amalgamation of various ethnicities, and the ability to work collectively and deliver resolutely. This foundation has been with us throughout our service, a fundamental component of our military pursuits, and an intangible value that we truly treasure, honor, and continue to practice.
b. War Cry, “Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban” – This war cry is very close to our hearts, serving as a unifying theme with a stimulating and hair-raising effect whenever it is enthusiastically called out. Even as veterans, we still experience this electrifying effect whenever we hear this rallying call. It is a deep-rooted impetus that will remain with us throughout our lives.
c. Duku Ilang and Keris – These two bladed devices were the prime weapons of our ancestors, serving as lethal tools in the molding and development of warrior fighting prowess. The blades are meticulously crafted to produce decisive slices, mortal cutting effects, and durability. The crossed duku ilang and keris aptly demonstrate the thick, unifying bond shared, appreciated, and loved by both the major communities in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, and Sabah. This friendship is supreme and will endure for a lifetime.
d. Inscription Black Hackle Club – The formation of the Black Hackle Club serves as an extension of our military life. Much of our youthful, energetic, and vigorous years were spent serving in the military. Decades of this passionate investment should not be relegated or forgotten. It should remain integral, be optimized, and serve as an avenue to bind us together, extending all the goodness, care, generosity, and welfare assistance to our fellow comrades. The Black Hackle Club stands as a capacity to undertake these humble overtures.
e. Colors Red, Yellow, and Black – The trinity of these colors serves as the foundation of the Royal Ranger Regiment. The Black Hackle Club, a byproduct of this institution, would not be a reality without this Ranger brotherhood. Coming together as a veteran fraternity paves the way for solidarity between serving and non-serving members, reinforcing the esprit de corps and pride to uphold these values.
The categories of membership:
a. Regular Member. Open to all veteran officers of the RRR fraternity. Has full access to all BHC services and facilities. Acknowledged as an influential member, permitted to exercise voting rights and hold office relative to the BHC’s profile. As part of the membership, a regular member is required to subscribe, pay a one off membership fee along with a monthly subscription fees.
b. Life Member. The privilege and prestige is extended to all regular members to cement their membership with a one-time payment that would secure their status for the remaining duration of their tenure. For such a membership, one would have to pay a one off amount with no further subscriptions.
c. Honorary Member. Typically, a respected leader or member within the fraternity and community. Conferred to an officer who has been integral, rendered distinguished, outstanding and exceptional service to the nation or association. The primary purpose of extending this privilege is as a recognition of his service, an act of goodwill. An Honorary Member shall enjoy all the privileges of a regular member but shall not be conferred with voting rights. This honorary status should be reviewed every two years and is based on the add value to the organisation.
d. Associate Member. Accorded to an individual who has always been connected to the fraternity and community, has the empathy and is supportive of the Association that he/she was attached with or have done a tour of duty/posting with any Ranger battalion. An Associate Member shall enjoy all the privileges of a regular member but shall not be conferred with voting rights and/or hold office. This membership would require the Executive Committee approval and is subject to an annual review. An Associate Member shall be required to pay a one-off membership fee and monthly subscription fees.
e. Affiliate Member. By virtue of the association’s standing, recognition, facilities and thrust, the association may be accorded affiliated status with other similar like association that may be domestic or overseas. Such status permits Affiliate Members to enjoy the facilities, benefits and hospitality arrangements, albeit not on any credit terms. The Executive Committee shall review this affiliation status annually. An Affiliate Member shall not be conferred with voting rights and/or hold any position and is not required to pay any fee.